I was told by Harris that he only scored 80 for one of his BM papers. I feel so dissapointed to hear that as this is considered as first time, his mark is below 85 because he is always score 90 above in all of his papers excluding in his last Ujian Bulanan. I can see, how his performance change termendously when I wont be able to give him fully support and help as what I used to offer him when I was fit. My heart is totally broken. Harris in my eyes always been well in his study and all of sudden just because I am in my confinement and also busy in completing my PhD, Harris performance has been dipped and dipped further from one exam to another. And it is very pity, his performance been really affected when he is sitting for his final exam. I might probably need to be ready to accept Harris has to change to another class or not getting below number 5 in class as I believe, this "80" marks can simply knock down Harris average marks and hence his overall performance in class.
I started to notice that Harris has changed when he sat for his recent Ujian bulanan. He was not doing well in his BM by scoring only 84 and 86, but I dont really expect, he would only score border line mark for this time exam. This is absolutely daunting...His latest performance has triggered me, it should be something wrong with my son...He lost his focus most of the time and whenever I ask him to do his exercise he always stuck at 1st page.
This is not only happening once, as I could still remember, his previous kindy principal also noticed the same problem whenever I was in my confinement with Daniel. The Principal had detected Harris performance at shool had been really affected and avised me to keep on talking with him. Actually, I dont really expect, the same syptoms or problem would re-occur again as Harris is now temporarily is "transit" at my MIL's house.
I really touch with has just happened. It seems to me like..Harris must be feeling like "layang2 terputus tali" if I am gone on earth...
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