Wednesday, December 21, 2011

I'm having my personal cleaner

Aku kirakan my life is a bit settle down although living w/o bibik. my head feels light headed eventhough kondisi umah takdela seperfect sblm ini..I'm start working fr home..walaopon I cant really fully utilize my time memandangkan sering distracted dgn kerja2 umah yg lain...

But at least, it still not too bad having cleaner cleaning the house one or twice a week..sprtnya mcm takdek beza aje dgn keadaannya kalu kita ade bibik..rata2 bila aku ty kengkawan yg lain..derang takdepon mop lantai dan cuci toilet hari..kbykannya, hanya mop lantai dan cuci toilet tingkat bawah everyday dan looking after tingkat atas once or twice a week. Perhaps, this what I'm going to compromise if a new bibik is coming. Is either cleaning the toilet 3-4 times per week or only do ironing for baju2 tertentu unlike in the past..most of the time my maid has to clean the toilet, do the mopping dan mengosok kesemua baju daily. I probably going to compromise dr segi..if she needs to clean my room..then, I have to take turn to bathe my younger kids and cook for the whole family. Ada masa, perhaps, aku kene pejam mata, if bibik sleeps during day time, while my younger kids are sleeping so that she could energize to bring forward to perform the ironing work for the whole family clothes in the night time...benda2 neh sbnrnya bergantung..dan aku jugak depends pada keadaan bibik aku samaada orgnya suka amik kesempatan atau pon pandai mengambil hati...

Sunday, December 18, 2011

life w/o bibik Part 2

Hari neh dah dikira cukup sebulan..we've been living w/o maid..ade pros and consnya life without stranger living in the hse..antaranya..

1) I know my kids better
2) My kids being more independent
3) I've got to be more active doing houseworks
4) I know how to appreciate people doing houseworks..most important thing, I know roughly when certain chores can be completed
5) I'm being more discpline..wake up early in the morning..buat keje umah dan pada masa yg sama nak uruskan hal ehwal memasak
6) We've got our privacy

1) Everywhere you go, kene bawak sekali semua bebudak
2) I find difficult to concentrate doing my office work unless I am in the office rather than at home
3) You have to spend more money for childcare and cleaner. Surely, cleaner quality work mmg tak bule dicompare ngan bibik sendiri

Cume apa yg aku bule katakan, having 4 kids in life..memerlukan kesabaran yg tinggi...perhaps, sbb aku pon baru nak membiasakan diri ngan keje2 umah dan menguruskan anak2..ditambah lagi plak, aku sdg sarat mengandung..menunggu hari utk melahirkan..Otherwise, aku tak nampak di mana susahnya...itupon, kalu ikutkan...dlm kebiasaannya aku akan start buat keje2 umah dlm 7.30 pagi...dan mebe, utk masa akan dtg..I have to wake up a bit early utk memasak..

Bila difikir2 balik..x-maid aku bole jugakla diharap dibuat keje..cumenya, dia tu lembap sket..dan buat kije ikut mood dia..ade masanya bule siap cepat..dan ade masanya dok siap lambat...tapi, yg aku pasan..dlm dia smgt nak renew her ctrct wif 11 dia da dan siap wat keje2 menggosok dan have her own time at 11 or 11.30p.m. Itupon, disebabkan oleh kkdg dia lambat naik tingkat atas utk mula menggosok baju...Kalu ikutkan, for our new bibik..bole jek, aku nak compromise for her to rileks on the day time..tapi, wat keje2 menggosok di malam hari..Kalu ikut standard si Siti (my cleaner)..sebakul setengah baju dia leh siap dlm masa 3 ke 3.5 jam..So, by right kalu baju yg nak digosok tu tak byk..mebe dlm 2 ke 2.5 jam maid baru aku tuh leh siap wat menggosok sume baju..

Friday, December 09, 2011

life w/o bibik..

Its been almost 3 weeks we are living w/o bibik. So far so good. Altho rasa mcm leceh sket..but, we've got our privacy and I'm not need to feel stress sbb asik nk kene follow up org or memikirkan pasal permasalahan maid yg kebiasannya timbul dr semasa ke semasa..

Pendek kata, aku redha our bibik leaving d she..altho the way she opts to discontinue her service lebih kpd sikap dia yg mementinglkan diri sendiri..but, I can simply imagine mesti akan byk lg halnya yg timbul andai she is allowed to return and coming back to Mesia agaian. After all, we thanked for her service.

Buat masa neh, mmg rumah tak perfectly clean.m!ut, I simply don't complaint..w/pon penat..I just take it as part of my daiy exercise and getting to know my kids..I found it is very fun to have 4 kids around..dan aku x tasanya ianya suatu yg membebankan..w/pon terkadang I hv to clean the floor everytime they have their meal..

The most elder kids seem this morning, my girl automatically telah bangun tido and was asking whether she needs to bathe herself..and I told her YES..and at the same time i remind her too for tidy up her bed and watching tv area. There is no more, the kids simply pretending they can't wake up..but, they more at best make an attempt to show to their mom that they are independent enough..