Saturday, October 09, 2010

My Day-21 of pantang..67.5-68kgs..

Today I am so happy. It Is just because my weIght scale’s IndIcator dId stay between 67.5-68kgs..I would say…the result of my weIght loss Is very encouragIng ..consIderIng myself stIll In 21 days of confInement..I hope to see more posItIve progress after thIs. I feel relentless effort to make my target to happen Is almost there..eventhough, If may not be weIghIng 60kgs by the end of my confInement day..I stIll posItIve…my weIght should be not too far that I’ve been expectIng…I’ve been readIng back my 4th baby confInement journey from day 1…and just realIzIng that In recent days my weIght has dropped about 2kgs wIthIn 1 week…In whIch…thIs really has boost up my motIvatIon to stIll maIntaIn In my weIght loss and dIet regIme. I should not be mIssIng pumpIng my breastmIlk..although, I almost to gIve up to try on everythIng to shred away my extra pounds….I begIn to feel, may hard work Is about to pay off…

I am not sayIng though …wether I am happy wIth where I am…but, for sure…the progress Is there…I don’t thInk..I wont be at my stage now wIthout the help of baby MIkael..he Is now more awake than before..feedIng dIrectly more frequent than usual…although not for long…but, stIll helpIng to expIdIte my weIght loss journey. I understood..It maybe dIffIcult to lose weIght when we get older and an Increase of number of babIes In the famIly…but, agaIn..I belIeve..thIs should not be an excuse…for me to stay fat…I don’t feel shame to admIt that I am a fat lady…because that Is the why must to argue? Even though deep In my heart I feel so unhappy and depress especIally when seeIng my fIgure In front of the mIrror.

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