Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Apala manusia..

Hari ni merupakan hari yg membosankan..selain dr perut aku mengalami angin terperangkap. rasa nak berguling2 pon ade..tatawla kenapa bule masuk angin begini.

the reason aku bosan.sbb, when i contacted my friend back in UK yg had ever asking for help to carry her things fr Mesia to UK...suddenly, not really co-operative when the time..i want to ask for help...actually, its not her yg not helpful..tapi, her husband tu yg ntah apa2..nyampah aku..mebe, he thought that i was about to buy something huge that will take his house space..altho the fact, aku cume nak borrow his adress to deliver my lingerie to his home so that i could collect it by the time i already in uk while attending my viva...serba-sedikit..i was piss off...piss off dr segi...they are kind of selfish person..who will only remember you..when they are in 'keadaan susah' and just dump you like that...when your susah turn is coming...well..well...lets forget abt this bloody chap yg membosankan..dr segi lain plak..elok jugakla aku takde kena mengena ngan dorang...rasanya mcm no different if i used my other friend adress which is not in the vicinity of my Univ but at least she is willing to help me to post my thingy direct to mesia..rasanya, it makes no different pon...come and collect to my friend hse tadi ngan bayar postage cost direct to mesia...lagi, aku tak yah susah2 or hassle...dan dorang pon tak perlu nak terhegeh2 nak suh aku bawak itu dan ini bila aku nak balik mesia nanti...

as for today, i had time together wif my son...testing his hafazan...suprisingly..he couldnt remember that well overall surah al fatihah...altho he manage to do it when he was in tadika..

while for milan...she is making progress in her reading..

daniel as usual..is a happy toddler..can play at his own..manja..

mikael lak..dah pandai ketawa2..senyum2..nak minta dilayan..

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