Thursday, December 31, 2009


After been involved in interviewing number of prospective candidates for my own company, my opinion with regards people for getting a job would depend on their "LUCK". My definition about luck include:

-are they fluent in presenting themselve or to answer questions
-are they getting simple question that is easy for them to answer
-are they able to make themself feel accepted
-are they look in control and less nervous

Recently, we were calling this UTP graduate who scored many A's in his SPM and had little relevant experiences besides his face looks adorable too before we called him for an interview.

However, it was so unfortunate, this guy received heavy questions from Mr B related to his Thesis and was asked to tell us the Equation for Cd(coefficient drag force). Because he couldnt get that equation in his mind right for that time, it gives little influence on Mr B perception towards him in which in my opinion could be little bit unfair if he just wanted to compare that guy with our previous candidates and also our current Engineer. Thats what I was can be sometimes about luck. Funny enough tough, some of the candidates Mr B even speaks in Malay rather than English.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Apa nak cerita..

Update hari ini..first of all is about maid. Mcm besa, kalu tak ditukul, mmg tak bergerak..tak pon, sgt2 common..dia mesti akan tertinggal satu atau dua task yg aku suruh. Sprt biasa, rambut ada di sana sini..lap kain senget benget...pampers terbiar dlm bilik air...benda2 remeh..sampai tak larat aku nak bising..walhal bukannya susah...sbb sume keje2 ni adalah repetition...again, aku pon dah malas nak sakit jiwa dgn bising2..

Skrg jam menunjukkan pukul 1.39 dlm rumah semuanya tak makan lagi...mebe sbb kekenyangan makan telur. Yg aku perasan, now, maid aku dah mulai naik badan kat punggung dan perut..Cume, untungnya rangka dia sangatla kecik..Hatta dia naik badan pon, tak nampak mana...

Cerita hal anak2. Sejak dua menjak ni...Milan suka sgt tercerit dan berak dlm seluar. Mmg peel dia ni kkdg buat aku naik hantu sampai tahap malas nak kecoh2. Pagi2, dgn kudrat yg ada...aku angkat si Milan duduk di mangkuk tandas dan punggung dia. As for Harris, dah mulai minat nak buat exercise. Mebe, sbb aku dah kemas bilik dia dan tunjuk mana2 buku yg dia tak complete lagi. Aku pon dah siap2 belikan dia buku baru for him to fill up leisure time rather than 24 jam asik main game di rumah tang2 cuti sekolah..

Awalnya, Si Harris amatla excited nak join swimming class..Tapi, kalih2 bila dah jumpa instructor..dia plak mcm malu2..and bagitau tak mahu join the lesson. Nasib tak baik utk Milan coz tak bule register for swimming lesson lagi memandangkan ketinggiannya yg tak mencukupi.

Cerita di opis, mmg agak mengexcitedkan..we have now 3 staff kat opis. Mmg agak meriah. Now, am trying to balance up male and female staff di opis. Cume tak tahula, bila lagikah agaknya...

Wednesday, December 09, 2009

bodoh atau mengada2 atau suka mengambil kesempatan????

Entah kenapa sejak ade maid ni..aku mudah je nak hangin..mudah je nak stress, mudah je nak aku ni yg smcm atau dia tu yg sebenar2nya yg semcm? Mmmmm, aku rasa...tak mungkinla aku yg semcm...Tapi, mmg dia tu yg smcm..mana taknya..kalu idak, tak mungkin mak mentua aku pon sama ikut stress mcm aku bila bibik aku duduk di rumah dia...Tak pasal2, now kepala aku sesak, sakit dan mcm org under pressure pon ade...Kalu ikutkan, elok je idup ni...tak de bibik, rumah tongkang karam..tapi, rasa bahagia..bibik ada, rumah bersih..tapi, sokmo sakit hati..silap2 bule jadi gile...huhuhhhuhuhu...

Especially bile dia tak wat keje yg aku suruh...atau tak dgr cakap aku..mmg menggeramkan dan makan dalam..rasa nak lempang pon adooo...sejak dr sebulan lalu..aku tau, bibik aku ni orgnya pandai manipulasi dan ambik kesempatan atas kebaikan aku..tu yg aku rasa mcm nak swing je kalu dia tu buat hal..huh! ganasnya aku??? Masalah aku skrg...bukan stkt anak2 aku je aku nak kene jaga..tapi, bibik aku plak aku nak kene pk sama...dah makan ke belum..dah mandi ke belum...dah siap keje ke belum...heeeeee..benci..benci..benci......
mana taknya, smlm dr pagi dia bangun sampai pukul 6 petang baru dia mandi..manala aku tak angin??? bangang betul! Haiiii, takkanla everyday aku nak cakap ngan dia..bibik mandi pukul sekian..sekian..makan pukul sekian..sekian...bodoh..bodoh..bodoh........................

Yg paling meluat..dah aku pesan kat dia..cadar dia tu harus ditukar seminggu sekali...tapi, tak jugak dia buat2...asik je mulut aku ni kene cakap..hingga alkisahnya smlm, bila aku suruh dia tukar cadar..dia jawab..cadar tersebut tak ditukar sampai ke mlm sbb cadar tu belum sampai seminggu..tapi, bila laki aku tanya..berapa kali kebiasaannya bibik tukar cadar..dia jawab...tunggu ibu yg aku dah bilang..tak pulak2 si bangang ni pi tukar cadar tu???? Yg paling menyakitkan hati..almost all aspect pon tak bule buat simple task mcm goreng ayam pon fail....majikan manala tak weng! Umur dah 38...tapi, aku yg 32 tahun ni lebih jauh lebih reti dr bibik aku ni yg dah berusia..menci..menci..menciiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii..Kiranya, bab2 masak ni...hatta yg sng2 pon bibik fail...kecuali kalu nak diharap goreng telur! Kkdg aku terfikir...apalah jadi kat anak2 dan laki aku kalu aku ni takde...mmmmmmmmmmm, mmg makan kedaila gamaknya!

Itu lom lagi mcm tergedik2 kalu laki kita ckp ngan dia...n mulala nak berkemas2 kalu laki kita ada...haiiii, ntahla...malas aku nak layan!

Hari ni plak dia cuci bilik air cincai2...tu lom kira menipu curi tulang tak cuci lantai! Pendek kata2 almost everyday mcm tak sah kalu aku ni tak naik suara atau tak marah2 ngan bibik aku..nak kata bibik aku tu bodoh..tak jugak dia tu bodoh...tapi, lebih kpd mengambil kesempatan!!

Yg paling buatkan aku sakit jiwa..bila dia tu bawak penyakit kutu kat anak2 aku sampai kutu tu merayap2 kat cadar..itu belum lagi termasuk masalah dia tu busuk sbb cuci baju cincai2 atau disebabkan malas rendam baju sendiri..bahananya, seantero rumah dan baju2 kami dok kene bau dia....heeeeeeeeeeeee....lama2 aku plak sewel berdepan ngan org mengong cam bibik aku nih! Sewel sbb asik je nak naik darah..dan marah2..

Monday, December 07, 2009

Interview oh interview...

Kalu zaman2 lepas grad..aku diinterview, after ten years pass...aku pulak kene interview org..mula2 tu mmg kekok..dah lama2...mmmm, mcm ok plak..kkdg tu rasa mcm radio pon iye sbb asyik ulang benda yg sama..paling tak best, bila berdepan dgn org yg demand tapi, kerja tak seberapa..sometimes, boleh jadi yg kita expect dia perform..tapi, tak seperti yg disangka...

Terus-terang, aku sudah mulai faham..kenapa zaman muda2 dulu..walaupon english aku berterabur tapi org tetap tak kisah nak hire aku bekerja..setelah berpengalaman menginterview org dan dealing dgn pekerja..baru aku sedari..its not necessarily kalu english you fantastic you can do good work better than others...yg penting sekali...dlm hati tu punya keinginan atau smgt utk bekerja..

Saturday, December 05, 2009

I was told....

I was told and warned by the SR principal where Harris had attended..that I need really to take care of my son when he is in 'Standard 1'. I could understand well, why she was arising that matter since usually students graduated from SR will be well equipped to face reality in Standard 1. Even, their English paper was specially made for their students to follow Standard 1 level of education. Suprisingly, Harris could spell well some of difficult words that I am not even expecting him able to do it. Kids are just AMAZING!

Latest progress about Milan..She still could not talk very well. Again, I just dont long as me as her parents can understand what she is trying to convey to us. As opposed to that, she has another brilliant skill in clolouring and drawing in which I dint even encounter it with Harris. She has a new hobby building blocks and playing legos where this progress was seen much earlier with Harris. And what touch me most, recently her favourite words are..

'this is my favourite'
'wait for me'
'jangan tinggal saya'
'sapa kunci pintu ni'
'sapa habiskan kek ni?'

'awas'-influenced by my bibik..

Funny enough her talking was combined with cheeky expression!

As for my baby...He's been such adorable boy that I am always missing him. He recognizes his mom very well and always longing for my cuddle and attention. He even knows how to shout to express his needs for for example..if he still wants to eat more his yogurt for his dessert. He was responding very well whenever I called his name 'BABY'. He was chasing us energeticly whenever we were calling him or looking for him to response with our game like rolling bottle/ roll of ribbon/ rattle toys.

Harris SR final assesment...

Few days ago, went to SR to discuss Harris performance at school. Suprisingly, he was doing well in his assesment with Agama he scored 100%. While the rest, he was getting all above 92%. He nearly to get 100% for his Mathematics where he did careless mistake to circle the right spelling for '17'. But, I just dont bother...

I can see his weakness in Bahasa Melayu in recognizing 'Nama Khas' where I even have had no time to sit and teach him personally prior to the assesment. To be honest, for assesment this time, I am not in fact that nervous as before..More in control and just let Harris goes by the flow with minimum supervision. After all, his average mark was 96 in which way better than his 1st assesment in SR. I believe, he has done the BEST for himself and also for US!

I was also proud to see him standing in front of audience to perform reading. He was representing the kids of his age and stage for that particular task. My observation, Harris is just Harris..He just wants to do something as what he wants. Soft, conserved and sentimental...can sometimes appears to be so matured and protective towards his siblings and of course to me as his mom. React suprisingly to saying unexpecting words like..

'I'm quit!'

I stil remember in my mind..during his rebelious time..for accepting his new school environment in saying..

'You are fired!'

This memory tickles my heart although the fact, such experience had brought me to emotional feelings (burst into a rage)...until I was fed up thinking...What the hell my son is still not behaving while my tummy is damn swelling with my baby inside!!


Betulke apa yg kami buat skrg?? seriuske ni?? Rasanya mmg dah betul2 serius. Org2 dah recruit..Furniture dah almost complete. Now, just perlu request for signage quotation and done the quality manual's documentation. After that, should be there you go...preparation for bidding the project..Rasa excited pon ye..rasa tak sabar2 nak dapatkan the outcome pon sama juga....

Pada masa yg sama tak ramai yg tahu, what we've been doing right now...cume, a few friends je yg tahu...dan kami pon stkt ni tak memerlukan publisiti...just, perlu equipkan diri masing2 dgn ilmu dan confident level to mix with influential/ business people. Yg mana, aku sendiri sdg belajar akan selok should act profesionally to my employees and clients...

Thursday, December 03, 2009

Here I come!

Lamanya tak update blog? Where have I been too? Busy ke sana ke mari..monitoring people..say.."What have you done?" or "What are you doing?". Smmgnya life is hectic..and Mr B was telling me, he is now in saturated stage. What I can say more? How to work hard while the opportunity and the will are there.

It's been quite sometime I am not around in the office. Just staying and do my work from home. Thats what I prefer it to. At least, I would have some chances to see how my bibik is progressing and wether or not people in the office are really working.

Sejak akhir2 ni mcm sakit2 badan..mcm nak bermalas2an..mcm, asik nak tutup mata..macam asik nak bertidur2an...