Friday, April 30, 2010

Congratulations...We've been awarded with ISO 9001...

Shall I say, its a good achievement?? Yes, I couldnt agree more with this statement..and I must to thank to my honey too, for his intelligent plan and strategy for the company to achieve until up to this point. No one can expect, our company has been awarded for ISO 9001 considering we just oficially to operate in December, 2009...and believe it or not..we are certified by Lyod Register Quality Assurance(LRQA)..the well known auditing company that is recognized internationally...Meaning that...our certificate is not only valid in Malaysia..but also all over the world..Yes, I must stress it out...all over the world!

From the beginning, even before we started up our own business...I always believe that we can be a good pair to reach for our ambition.......

1 comment:

small gun said...
