Thursday, April 29, 2010

Audit ISO9001..

Hari ni..will be our 1st ever audit after our office dibuka since November, 2009. Tak surela camne statusnya. Mulanya aku mcm berdebar2 juga. But, start masuk pukul 11.30am..Bila giliran aku dah over..with very minor comments..Aku jadik lega..It just matter, I have to go through for another audit...Which regards to purchasing...Insya-allah, hopefully, takkan ade NCR will be issued on this matter.

Cume, aku agak sedikit I was told..yg, my honey received byk feedback from our auditor..Cume, tataula..adakah..dorang akan issue NCR in relation to that or it just exchanging ideas between two man. For my part, mmg the auditor ade gives his input to improve our system. In which, for me..takdela begitu will give any significant infact during this audit. Aku just harap, this will be settle..sbb aku dah letih..tak larat..and let me focus on another things yg lebih MOF&Petronas License. Once aku dah done that part..It should be straightforward..My honey, can have more opportunity to lobby for more business if compared to now..yg mana...we have project just to sustain the company.

Our life pon getting busier than the previous years...My mom, tak pernah faham..kenapa aku balik kg sekali sekala..Yg dia harap...aku dapat dtg sendiri jumpa sendiri balik kg..bawak anak2 sume..Mebe, sbb she thinks...aku ni tak keje..tak generate money..just helping my honey for the sake of to make him happy..But, the fact dia tatau..nowadays, my life..byk masa kene mengharungi hidup sendiri..walaupon suami sentiasa di sisi..Handling the kids, house matter, seeing the doctor for my pregnancy and my kids check up...Really I cant complaint more..sbb, my honey pon makin bz...membebel, marah2, mengkritik bukan menyelesaikan masalah..because..I always trying to hard to give him more time, for him to achieve his ambition..

I know...nobody likes to be in our shoes..But, Its never been easy too, kalu nak berjaya..Nak kene usaha..Nak kene feel the pain, the frustration..Baru bule berjaya....Thats what I can think off buat masa ni...

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