Thursday, March 04, 2010

Caught her stealing..

Yesterday is like my hell day..pretending that I am like a secret Investigator. Manakan tidak, I was caught my bibik hiding coins and notes underneath of my iron board cover. Whenever I was asking her whose money is that, dgn keadaan terkejut n gelabah she answered that money is belong to her. My feeling, Yes it is true maybe that money is belong to her..But, I dont think 100% is hers! So, I began my investigation yesteday to answer my suspicion. I was making an intelligent plan to send her and my kids to my MIL's house without giving her any advance notice to her and infact all my kids preparation including my bibik's food were secretly packed by me yesterday.

I simply make a sudden suprise after back from sending Harris at school by immediately entering my house and tricking her to wait in my car while I was taking all my kids thingy. Quickly I was locking the front door and I could see my bibik was in sudden hurry to get in which again my instinct probably right that she was trying to destroy whatever evidence that can prove her stealing! and its not just only that, its getting clearer when out of my expectation, she was asking me to bring her to Giant for shopping by telling me nicely she will do the shopping instead of me. What the hell is that?? She never been that kind before. Really never been like that...Dek kerana terlalu xcited nak tau the finding, I was tricking her again..yg it will not be possible for me to drop her at Giant that time..but maybe will do it at some other day..In the car, I was trying to get some more evidence...

With relax, I was asking her..

"Bibik nak beli roti bun, roti coklat dan maggi 5 bungkus ni..bibik ada duitke?"

She answered..

"ada..Duit saya ada ada Rm23...Saya kemarin ada baki rm5..kemudian yg terakhir pinjam sama ibu ada baki rm20"

Dlm hati aku berkata..argh apa2 ajelah bibik..yg aku tau..aku nak tau the total balance duit ade dlm simpanan ko..sbb semalamnya aku tgk kat bawah iron board cover tu ade dlm rm18 gitu..termasuk syiling2...koman2 mmg duit bibik ada dlm rm33-35!

Done sending her at my mil's house, I was picking my brother to join me to discover the unrevealing evidence(sbb badanku dah mulai menggigil). Mula2 aku ngk purse dia..mmm, mebela kot ini duit dia..sekali aku selak2 lagi..lah??? Nape plak RM 10 nya ade dua helai??? Itu lom lagi termasuk duit RM1, RM5 dan syiling 50 sen..Sah2 bibik aku menipu...Balik dr antar my brother to UKM..I was calling some of my frens to ask for their opinions..dan mcm2la opinion yg dorang kasik...

and my solution n conclusion??

am going to arrange another trap for see wether she is really stealing. at the same... need to be very careful utk tak letak duit bersepah2..and the most important thing never ever trust your bibik! hatta pandai mengaji sekali pon bukan ukuran yg akhlak bibik kita akan baik. and good to know...yg I caught her activity much earlier and infact from the beginning I never ever put trust onto her disebabkan perangai dia yg suka menipu. Kebiasaannya mau dimarah baru tahu nak mengaku...lama2 aku dah jadi bosan dgn bibik aku..I was just keeping her for the sake I need someone to take care my house..yg can do the cleaning after we making mess..sbg cthnya...Kalu tak kerana that reason, I dont think I would have gut to still have her in the house.

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