Monday, October 01, 2007

Senyum kambing..

Aku rasa, bulan ni dan bulan lepas merupakan bulan yg hectic dan penuh debaran. Berdebar sbb aku baru lepas submit visa to extend stay di sini. Tertekan juga sbb aku jadi tertunggu2 sbb tak pasti dgn visa application status. Termasuk, tertekan bila visa yg aku tunggu2 tu masih dalam process of consideartion sedangkan masa aku terlalu suntuk utk aku pergi ke meeting di US. Selain tu, aku tertekan fasal nak kene submit 1st draft thesis aku by end of this month fasal nak mengejar dateline di samping nak kene siapkan model prediction aku..yg aku kira dah nampak jalan penyelesaiannya..

Kkdg aku rase sprt bodohnya aku keep on hold my analysis terlalu lama sdgkan mmg aku dah tahu dr awal, I am able to make it and finish it on time if I want..mungkin aku orgnya jenis last minute..bila di saat akhir, dalam keadaan terdesak mampu memerah otak utk mendapatkan walau sedikit output. Skrg dah 1.49 pagi aku masih berjaga menyelesaikan apa yg perlu. Dan kalu ikutkan, aku mmg keletihan yg amat sbb sejak beberapa menjak ni mmg aku berjalan kaki ke school. It takes me about 10-15 minutes by foot nak sampai university dan elok plak aku skrg sejak dapat wake up call kene bayar study fees sendiri dan mula terasa bengap bila lama sgt terperuk di rumah buat kerja aku..aku mula rajin2 semula datang ke school. Langkah lain sbg persediaan aku nak brush up my english before my presentation and my examination, aku take part time job(4hrs/ week) kat school sbg assistant lecterur for ms word& ms excel. Dari situ, suppose aku akan develop my communication skills besides able to improve my level of confidence in speaking. Aku beritahu my darling yg life aku skrg a bit hectic and then my darling re-assured me, by making myself busy, I will learn to manage my time better. Sungguh, my new job offer, requires me to be in school everyday excluding Monday and Wednesday. Tghari tadi sms nak jumpa my boss, mmg sejuk gila tak tatau nak kata..berlapis2 baju aku pakai..syukur amat2 aku ade waterproof jacket Nike which my darling bought last year for me that makes my life easier bila hujan2 nak ke school. In fact, skrg pon terasa kesejukannya..kaki aku dah terasa kesejukannya..Esok pagi, dalam 9.00 pagi aku dah kene terjegil ke school lagi sbb nak cari building where the tutorial need to be conducted sbb hari ni aku tak survey langsung pon bangunan tu kat mana..Kkdg aku rase, aku lucky from the others..mmg lucky dr org2 di sini..kenapa aku kata diri aku lucky..sbb aku dah a few times dapat opportunity to attend conference/ meeting overseas..pon boss aku tak kedekut nak sponsor and confident dgn anak buahnya tanpa byk kata..some people kata, boss aku tu bukannya jenis caring..tapi, aku tahu, deep in his heart dia mmg baik hati orgnya..cume, of coursela kita kene selalu approach dia..aku rase dia dah byk tolong, kenapa plak aku nak spoilkan pertolongan yg dia berikan kpd aku??? Aku katakan, aku lucky lagi..sbb org lain dapat conduct tutorial for 2hrs/ week..tapi seingat aku biasa aku mmg buat keje2 teaching assistant/ lab demo ni mmg akunye man hours dalam 5hrs/ week. Terasa berdebar2 juga aku nak jumpa student2 esok..ntah mcmana agaknya peel student overseas ni..tapi, aku rasa sama aje takde bezanya ngan student di Mesia juga..

Last saturday, sbg preparation to attend the meeting, aku dah kecoh2 kat my darling tentang blazer yg aku nak pakai kali ini. Aku beli blazer tu time sales. Just £25 for the whole set including the skirts..ntah tataula cun ke idak aku nak pakai masa meeting nanti..sejuk2 di US, kata my darling sanggup plak aku nak pakai skirt?? Then, aku bagitau my darling, I just have got no choice coz that was the cheapest that I could get as my other suites just too big for me since I have reduced hell out of more weight after I had my girl. Before this, I was size 12-14, but now I have gone down to 8-10. Bukan nak perasan slim. Tapi, adalah penurunan kalu aku nak pakai suite yg besar2 nampak mcm nangka kene bungkus plak nanti..

Today, after meeting with my boss, I was very happy as I have got some solution to rectify my problem and hope I could work harder to finish everything. Selain tu, aku happy fasal my boss kata dia bule sponsor akunye tiket kapal terbang ke US kali!

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