Thursday, October 11, 2007

Is it an easy job?

For the first I thought being a tutor for ms word is an easy job..just need to be there in class and answer a few questions from students and thats it! But, it is not as simple as that. This week tutorial is much busier than than last week for sure.

I still remember for our first tutorial, there were 4 for of us in the room-Suresh, Thanos, Sam&Me. I was thinking, how relaxing this tutorial's job was..we still could talk to each other among tutors to exchange some informations/ knowledge.

And guess what for today's tutorial??? I even havent had chance to relax neither nor to sneak! The students keep raising and raising their hands begging for help from us. I was like..huh???? moving up and down from one row to another row non-stop. For one time, I tried to sit down, but I just felt, It wasnt right for me to do so because David the lecterur for this subject itself not even was seen to have his break! He kept mobilize and busy as bumble bees all the, why should I, the person who is paid to offer him help to just lay down on the chair and shaking my legs?

Now I learn to understand why David requires more than 2 tutors for this semester. Its been very hectic and I know David may be wasnt happy for my help, as for today I didnt do enough preparation. Dont be worry..I have make sure myself well prepared for tomorrow session...I've done the tutorial is not a simple tutorial as I thought though in the took me more than half an hour to finish it which makes me sceptical when a few students claim to complete the tutorial earlier than I could. Well, I supposed, I've done my job to assist them..I am not in the position to judge their honesty..because in the end, the students themself are the person who need to responsible with what they have been doing.

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