Saturday, October 24, 2009

4th Period on 23rd Oct

Finally my anxiety...thinking that I might had fallen pregnant for the 4th time has come to its end....Exactly on 23rd, woke up early in the morning and after that as and out from the bathroom...there you go..I've got staining! What a "RELIEF".

I just feel not as yet prepare to get pregnant again while my baby still 7 mths old, though. It is simply because I wanted to make sure as best as possible, each of my little baby is cherish and shower with love within reasonable duration..and I always trying my 'BEST' too, to be fair to every of interval period I should fall pregnant for the next baby after his/ her, duration of breastfeeding and so on...But of course this should be planned with acceptable tolerance!

Weird enough, I felt so SAD, PITY & BAD for my baby in the beginning when guessing wether or not I was pregnant. It just because, I was feeling I wasnt fair to my baby...blaming myself for not being EXTRA careful...selfish..until putting myself at risk to have another baby SO quickly that might later..effect my baby for not having fair attention from 'ME'..Pathetic is it??? Well, I am just a normal mom with least of perfections or imperfections??? Arghhhh, getting confused now! Moral of the story..

"Next time, dont forget to have your condom around"


"Please..please dear, visit your nearest GP to fix your IUD/ Implanon"

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