Friday, January 22, 2010

Progress anak2..


Nampak dia enjoy very much at school. Dia nampak excited to learn new things..and his progress is much better if compared to during his kindy in term of initiative. He has interest to learn Jawi & Agama more..He was telling me his wish to be a school prefect one day. Still maintain his English speaking...


Still not yet matured. Sometimes, still sleepy before leaving the house to school. Begins to sing A-Z at almost right...She has interest in recognizing Bahasa Melayu that been introduced at school..She now able to speak much proper than before. Can convey her message quite clear to me. Like if the bibik is not cleaning her bottom well, she knows to complaint to her mommy


Begins to stand up by support. His favourite now is to stand up while grabbing anything near to him to keep him standing. His has his own fancy toy. Very active and wriggly baby...can respond well to us and waving his hands to people. Looks a lil bit skinny after fell sick about 1 week ago.He starting to get to know people around him and seems attach to me. Always excited to see me and sometimes refuse to be with bibik. Same goes with my other kids...

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