Skdrg dah nearly 8 pm..yet, aku n my elder kids still lg tersdi di Mc Donald..da 2x meals kitaorg, tinggal tunggu kids to finish their exercise..I'm not that fancy to eat Mc Donanld...but, saje je bawak anak2 ke sini..sbb, knowing they cant concentrate if derang ade kat umah...sbb the other 3 siblings akan kacau2 n gelak2...
So, aku habiskan masa...baca paper..baca news kat honey selalu tegur..nape, aku selalu sibuk kat hp..actually bukannya sibuk..tapi, ini ajela masa yg ade utk aku nak baca berita...tak kirala yg genuine maupon yg rekaan..n its rainning outside there..Thanks GOD for the rain...rasanya, da byk minggu aku dok dgr mesia ade sekatan bekalan air dan masalah jerebu...and the latest...isu yg aku baca...MH 370 kene hijack...and aku berharap...isu tu selesai..and they can return back to mesia or China and live with their family happily..kkdg menakutkan juga bila jadi org pandai2 or org penting negara...silap2 hb, nyawa sendiri or anak bini tergadai..yg mana aku tgk dlm cita 'The Faces' on my way back fr Seoul...kkdg baik jugak jadi org tak ada..sbb, bila jadi org ado2..byk mata yg memandang...dlm citer 'The Faces'..yg kesiannya, anak dia kene korek bijik mata..and kene bunuh...Similarly mcm spekulasi MH buat andaian kenapa MH 370 kene hijack...sbb, ade few people pembawa patent penting...Demi duit and kuasa..sanggup org2 takde hati perut nak gadaikan nyawa 250+ manusia..and tak pasal2 plak pilot and co-pilot kene tuduh plak bersekongkol hilangkan pesawat...and berkait plak dgn DSAI..yg mana aku rasa tak masuk akal2..dlm keadaan hati2 manusia di luar sana begitu critical dan fragile..ade plak manusia yg buat andai2an dan tuduhan2 yg memacam...Tp, aku rasa..kesian jugakla ngan pemilik patent tu...mahu tak kene bunuh...kalu sblm tu hidup bahagia bersama keluarga..sbb, terlebih bijak pandai..da tak pasal2 tergadai nyawa...
Sunday, March 16, 2014
Bebudak nak peksa..
Minggu ni aku agak busy sket..busy utk beberapa elder kids nak exam..
Among of my kids..yg always like to drive me crazy is my 2nd child...keras kepala..n sesuka hati nak ikut kepala dia...and amik masa sket nak absorb pelajaran..especially, maths, bm and bi...kalu bab2 agama..biasanya dia OK..since aku ngk..ustazah dia kat skool pon mcm anti my kids...i was thinking to pull out my doter fr KAFA..Managed to speak with my ex-staff..n willing nak buat tuition 1 to 1 utk my, aku rasa..mcm its the right time aku nak panggil private teacher to teach my matterla org nak cakap ape abt it..the kids too young to for tuition...tapi, dgn keadaan aku yg tak cukup masa..yg asik nak naik hangin kalu mengajar my doter..elok ajela aku dapatkan private teacher utk dia..
Actually bukannya aku tak bantu my doter ni..cume dia ni ade 'short of memory' sket..the moment aku ajar dia..dan2 tu mmgla dia ingat..tapi, kalu aku da lama tak sit and refresh selalu her memory dia..mulala apa yg aku ajarkan tu hilang dari kepala dia...mmg, serius...kene bersabar tahap langit...My doter still got problem utk buat deduction bila bab pinjam meminjam puluh ratus ribu bermula...kalu ikutkan syllabus baru bebudak ni..terus-terang aku rasa mcm mencabarla..tak sama mcm KBSR...tapi, layan ajelakan..cakap lebih2 kat gomen pon..bukannya gomen nak take action, terus terang mmg aku sendiri da lost track ngan development my honey cakap...mmg aku kene bersabar n berterusan ajar..latih tubi my doter..sampai pelajaran masuk ke dalam otak dia dan disimpan...hrmmm..bukan mudahkan jadi ibu bapa..dulu2..waktu jadi anak...asik nak nampak salah parents...too busy kejela..tak sempat tgk anakla..but then, bila sendiri jadi parents barula nak tahu dan faham..memang pon ade masanya aku tgk mak aku terkocoh2 nak pi kije..ade masanya aku ngk mak aku terlantar atas kerusi sofa panjang sambil berdengkur...tu lom kene menghadapi komplen..kita cakap..'mak masak tak sedap'..yang anehnya bila da besar...aku rasa seme yg mak aku masak sedap...mungkin masa kecik2 tu..dok terlepas cakap mak masak tak sedap...dek kerana pengaruh kawan yg suke ngomel mak dia masak tak sedap...
My eldest son plak..manja...aduhai...bila nak peksa siap cakap..' have to help me..'..aikkk, sape plak yg nak peksa ni? confuse..confuse...aku mmg takde plan lagi nak antar dia tuition...sbbnya..aku tak sempat nak pi survey tuition center..evernight when i passed thru kedai2 kat area umah aku..mmg nampak sgtla mcm goreng pisang panas sambutan pusat2 tuition ni..Kkdg aku rasakan..betapa bertuahnya anak2 zaman skrg..yg got their parents to shoulder to cry on...berbanding zaman aku kecik2..yg mak pak aku lepas je kami main sepah2 n survive sendiri..the moment i was feeling loved by my parents..when i was below 7 to 8 yo gitu..the rest of my life..da kene compete with my siblings...till then, i was not feeling being loved by them...walopon, kalu ikutkan mana plak parents tak sayang anak, yer tak?? actually, tu seme perasaan bebudak kecik yg tak opinion, my parents are just too busy to earn money to raise their children..
Speaking abt my 3rd plak..dia ni mmg jenis happy go lucky..tapi, cepat sgt penat nak belajar...aku baru ajar sket..mulala dia nak pengsan...sbnrnya aku berdesing gak bila cikgu sekolah Montessori tu gitau my 4th mcm tahap baby..its kids not really in heart of their cikgu2 di situ..dahle susah nak dihubungi...kkdg tak angkat tepon..n then ade plak prosedur hanya pukul2 tertentu boleh jumpa derang...walaubagaimana pon aku tak nafikan..bab2 doa and ayat2 pendek mmg my 3rd bole baca..walopon tak perfect mana..and teacher ade komen my 5th ni tak kenal huruf segala...hrmmm, again...pendidikan bermula dr rumah..tak guna we spend thousands for kids..but, without follow up dr, nak tak nak..mmgle kene juga ajar and drill dr umah...i dunno, some parents mebe have diff opinion dr aku..but, fr my experience with my doter..mmg pembelajaran ni sepatutnya kene bermula dr umur 4 yr plus lagi...kalu idakkkk...mmg seksa...seksanya mcm nak mengdrill my doter nilah...kejap ingat..kejap lupe...Nampaknya aku terpaksa menggunakan approach lama..kuasa VETO...mcm aku mengdrill my eldest when he was 5 yo...mmg aku drill dia supaya bole ingat numbers and alphabet...pehtu leh soundkan 50 frequency words...haiii...manala nak curi masa yg begitu cemburu dgn aku...
Next week will be busy day for me and my honey..we've got 2 presentation...20th and 21st...List of task..ade melambak menunggu..
Among of my kids..yg always like to drive me crazy is my 2nd child...keras kepala..n sesuka hati nak ikut kepala dia...and amik masa sket nak absorb pelajaran..especially, maths, bm and bi...kalu bab2 agama..biasanya dia OK..since aku ngk..ustazah dia kat skool pon mcm anti my kids...i was thinking to pull out my doter fr KAFA..Managed to speak with my ex-staff..n willing nak buat tuition 1 to 1 utk my, aku rasa..mcm its the right time aku nak panggil private teacher to teach my matterla org nak cakap ape abt it..the kids too young to for tuition...tapi, dgn keadaan aku yg tak cukup masa..yg asik nak naik hangin kalu mengajar my doter..elok ajela aku dapatkan private teacher utk dia..
Actually bukannya aku tak bantu my doter ni..cume dia ni ade 'short of memory' sket..the moment aku ajar dia..dan2 tu mmgla dia ingat..tapi, kalu aku da lama tak sit and refresh selalu her memory dia..mulala apa yg aku ajarkan tu hilang dari kepala dia...mmg, serius...kene bersabar tahap langit...My doter still got problem utk buat deduction bila bab pinjam meminjam puluh ratus ribu bermula...kalu ikutkan syllabus baru bebudak ni..terus-terang aku rasa mcm mencabarla..tak sama mcm KBSR...tapi, layan ajelakan..cakap lebih2 kat gomen pon..bukannya gomen nak take action, terus terang mmg aku sendiri da lost track ngan development my honey cakap...mmg aku kene bersabar n berterusan ajar..latih tubi my doter..sampai pelajaran masuk ke dalam otak dia dan disimpan...hrmmm..bukan mudahkan jadi ibu bapa..dulu2..waktu jadi anak...asik nak nampak salah parents...too busy kejela..tak sempat tgk anakla..but then, bila sendiri jadi parents barula nak tahu dan faham..memang pon ade masanya aku tgk mak aku terkocoh2 nak pi kije..ade masanya aku ngk mak aku terlantar atas kerusi sofa panjang sambil berdengkur...tu lom kene menghadapi komplen..kita cakap..'mak masak tak sedap'..yang anehnya bila da besar...aku rasa seme yg mak aku masak sedap...mungkin masa kecik2 tu..dok terlepas cakap mak masak tak sedap...dek kerana pengaruh kawan yg suke ngomel mak dia masak tak sedap...
My eldest son plak..manja...aduhai...bila nak peksa siap cakap..' have to help me..'..aikkk, sape plak yg nak peksa ni? confuse..confuse...aku mmg takde plan lagi nak antar dia tuition...sbbnya..aku tak sempat nak pi survey tuition center..evernight when i passed thru kedai2 kat area umah aku..mmg nampak sgtla mcm goreng pisang panas sambutan pusat2 tuition ni..Kkdg aku rasakan..betapa bertuahnya anak2 zaman skrg..yg got their parents to shoulder to cry on...berbanding zaman aku kecik2..yg mak pak aku lepas je kami main sepah2 n survive sendiri..the moment i was feeling loved by my parents..when i was below 7 to 8 yo gitu..the rest of my life..da kene compete with my siblings...till then, i was not feeling being loved by them...walopon, kalu ikutkan mana plak parents tak sayang anak, yer tak?? actually, tu seme perasaan bebudak kecik yg tak opinion, my parents are just too busy to earn money to raise their children..
Speaking abt my 3rd plak..dia ni mmg jenis happy go lucky..tapi, cepat sgt penat nak belajar...aku baru ajar sket..mulala dia nak pengsan...sbnrnya aku berdesing gak bila cikgu sekolah Montessori tu gitau my 4th mcm tahap baby..its kids not really in heart of their cikgu2 di situ..dahle susah nak dihubungi...kkdg tak angkat tepon..n then ade plak prosedur hanya pukul2 tertentu boleh jumpa derang...walaubagaimana pon aku tak nafikan..bab2 doa and ayat2 pendek mmg my 3rd bole baca..walopon tak perfect mana..and teacher ade komen my 5th ni tak kenal huruf segala...hrmmm, again...pendidikan bermula dr rumah..tak guna we spend thousands for kids..but, without follow up dr, nak tak nak..mmgle kene juga ajar and drill dr umah...i dunno, some parents mebe have diff opinion dr aku..but, fr my experience with my doter..mmg pembelajaran ni sepatutnya kene bermula dr umur 4 yr plus lagi...kalu idakkkk...mmg seksa...seksanya mcm nak mengdrill my doter nilah...kejap ingat..kejap lupe...Nampaknya aku terpaksa menggunakan approach lama..kuasa VETO...mcm aku mengdrill my eldest when he was 5 yo...mmg aku drill dia supaya bole ingat numbers and alphabet...pehtu leh soundkan 50 frequency words...haiii...manala nak curi masa yg begitu cemburu dgn aku...
Next week will be busy day for me and my honey..we've got 2 presentation...20th and 21st...List of task..ade melambak menunggu..
- Prepare payslip and EA&Register BA
- Edit presentation for my honey..Follow up with geng PT..
- Study CIDB and Petronas License for new Co.
- Complete registration for CIDB and Petronas..I might have difficulty nak kene dapatkan socso payment info for CIDB...yg penting kene study dulu ape requirement CIDB
- Send payment to Secretary..
- Update Petronas License for Company..
- Buat autocalculation for salary calculation and slip..
- Advertise JOB STREET..
- And the list goes on..
Bila tgk list2 keje di atas..rasanya, mcm dan2 pukul 8 pagi aku da kene terjegil kat opis...aku pon da malas nak follow up group IS yg macam..hrmmm....
Thursday, March 06, 2014
Lama tak menulis..
Lama betul aku tak menulis blog ni..bukan tak mau, sentiasa ade kekangan masa..tak pon, selalu ade problem nak log in into my blog during office hrs..sejak kebelakangan ni..almost all computers been blocked public website yg bole melaghakan org dr buat kije..
As usual feveret website is always shopping website...walopon tak beli..just cuci2 mata pon da mencukupi..Most of the time, i was wasting my time looking into the website..spending hours yg kekononnya mcm org nak bershopping, ended up..buying, ntah ape2lakan..thats my weakness..selalu pk lama sgt if wanted to buy something...
Yg menjadikan aku rasa mcm terkilan..i missed buying discounted TODS bag yg i saw at positive side..sebenarnya, it really save my money and it gives me more time to think off..okke nak beli bag ni?? berat ke idak?? the negative side..i always feel mcm, sorry sesgt for not buying the bag in the 1st, yesterday, i went to KLCC just for a peep kat TODS boutique..guess what?? The SA told me..most discounted bags already SOLD OUT and yg tak laku da diantar ke outlet kat somewhere near to Boulevard...She advised me to take train to go there..for surela aku malas nak botherkan..tak kose nyah nak travel sana-sini hy semata2 my dream bag! Could be somehow, one day, if i cant afford to buy it now..kot, ade rezeki we can travel oversea...IA, if God Wills...mana tau i'll be buying one..Usually, with budget yg agak ehem2..surela kene pk 2,3,4,5 kali utk membeli..mana things i have to consider..whether its really worth buying or i will end up like...rasa mcm menyesal plak after membeli...
Now, we forget abt my TODS bag..My honey must be wondering, why i've been thinking so much about buying bag altho da melambak bag ade kat always feveret is my Gucci Charm..its canvas and lightweight...2nd best is my gucci sling bag..but its made of leather..3rd best is my Prada wallet..but, been so unhappy, cause the edges now get worn out...mebe sbb aku yg tak pandai handling..pi buh my wallet sesuka ati dlm my Cath Kidston 4th feveret..not that expensive..not even cost me thousands ringgit or my Cath Kidston i could remember it cost me less than 200 when i bought it at Bicester Outlet..since then, aku da mcm tak kemaruk sgt buying branded bag from outlet...cause my always preference is from boutique...always, i come across yg mana..if i bought bag on sales..mulala dpt bag lunyai or da tak perfect mana..or could be sbb dia da, in terms of quality pon tak sebagus perhaps yg 1st grade eventhough we bought them genuinely from the outlet...sejak tu..aku da jd sceptical to buy something fr outlet.except for those items yg aku tahu the quality cam baju, luggage, pinggan mangkuk etc..and i think if i had been given chance to fly to UK or europe 1st intention..might be to find their accesories...tak pon..their glass vase..yg mana kualitinya jauh lg devavom dr glass vase yg aku beli kat mesia pd rega yg sama...tak juga aku mendewakan brgn oversea...could be sbb aku da notice perbezaannya kot..and the worth shop that i should be visiting..ofkosle butik Laura Ashley or FCUK..last time, during my graduation..aku mmg rembat tak hengat brg2 kat LA..but then. ofkosla so worth it...dgn budget almost thousand ringgit..mmg aku dpt baju berhelai2 siap ngan coat lagi tu...jgn haraple nak dapat coat murah kat mesia..but, i managed to get it one from LA..
2nd Best..takde PIC..
Now, been told ..yg my in law family got plan to HK..yg khabarnya akan masuk musim bunga..could be..i can wear my trench coat waktu di sana..dan harap2nya mmg bole tahan sejuklakan...if not...mcm defeat the purpose gak...biar badan rasa sejuk...asalkan bergaya..and i dont think, am fall under that type of person...cause i like simplicity...bukannya Simply Siti ok!
My most memorable moment throughout this year actually, when we had chance to fly to Seoul recently for signing our 1st oversea's project..phewww...after been almost 5 years in this industry...hrmmm, baru skrg dapat mencipta nama dan juga peluang...bila makin dikenali..ofkosle makin byk, mmg, i start to stabilize my own team..yg mana my preference to keep only 'pick up' or 'competent person' in my team sbb aku da tak larat nak sakit jatung lagi jiwa raga slps ni..especially when work with someone yg agak slow...Back to storey visiting was very sweet moment..cause..we managed to play with snow...arghhh...its been so many years tak jumpa snow..we were back fr UK for more than 5 years, maknanya da 5 taunla tak jumpa snow..jakun sgtke jumpa snow??? takle jakun..tapi, rasa feeling2 best gitu..the moment i was in was freaking cold..sampai aku melompat2 to heat my body..and i totally have forgotten yg sbnrnya this year i will be 37?? now, i am starting feeling old..altho people said i look young than my age...but, at this age..i never bother what people say...except feeling their praise as complimentary, yet in my heart..i know that am getting old...and right after notice the feeling...i begin to feel worry that my kids will be growing and they could be apart from me..then, the mix feeling of guilty and satisfaction dtg dan pergi...guilty for not being able to spend most of my time with my kids...satisfaction when i start to absorb with the career that am pursuing right now..eventho would require more time than i suppose to be working...but, i feel it is very satisfying when i start to realize my potential and my strength...sometimes, i feel that i want to give up..give up with time that so envy with me..until i hardly had chance to put my body and mind at rest..and i presume, my honey has been putting lot of effort and energy more than me..for the sake of our Company...actually, i like the work that am doing right now...sbb, i can learn new things..and most importantly sbb the task is under my control..istilahnya, takdela sampai tahap mcm bangang aku tak bole buat kije tu..mcm, aku pening2 lalat waktu buat PhD dulukan..
Okla forget abt kije..kije dan kije..sbnrnya aku da muak citer pasal kije..until i told my honey,..till when we have to be working like hell like this?? we suppose to take break and enjoy our time...cause hidup hanya sementara...kalu tak enjoy with what you earn...then, sape jugak yg untung and joli katak slps ini?? dlm masa yg sama aku memanjatkan doa..semoga tuhan memberikan kami kekuatan, rezeki dan pjg umur sehingga anak2 dewasa...
Back to shopping story...i managed to replenish my GA stock at Lotte duty free, Seoul..mmg mahal bagai nak gile as compared to UK...tapi, sbb no choice punya pasal..i just bought them...i bought 2 compact foundation and 2, funny with women..lipstick sket punya byk ade stock...tapi, gatal je nak membeli...smlm, da teruja ngan liptick Chanel pink colour..but, managed tak beli..haha! skrg Chanel cosmetics pon da mahal..i think the lipstick cost nearly 100 jugakla..abt 90+, i decided to purchase next time..preferentially, if i had chance to fly oversea..yelahkan..rega pon sama..baik beli je during oversea trip..kurang2 ade gakla bought this lipstick when i was in UKka..Koreaka...till now, i love my lipstick fr Chanel and GA which i bought them during my graduation trip..worth buying..sbb, kale dia so suit to me..cume, nasib tak younger kids dok memain ngan my GA lipstick and it gets broken...and aku cantumkan dia balik...n tetap calit kat bibir..sbb, i like the colour very much...pendek kata..almost all cosmetics i bought during that trip aku sukala...sampai ke tahap2 lip glossnya...
dan aku remember sgt2..when was i bought my 1st ever Marc Jacobs (Daisy) perfume..kat Harvey Nicholas...mmg masa tu teruja ngan botol dia yg punya tutup mcm bunga selain dr tempting sgt nak dptkan free Balenciaga Pouch (waktu tu dlm ati pk..tak dpt beli bag Balenciaga yg beribu2 ringgit..dpt merasa, free pouch dia jadilaaaakan)...till now, da almost 3 years..perfume to wujud lagi..cause i bought big only aku cepat boring ngan bau perfume..thats why..for somehow i like to opt to buy smaller size..walopon sbnrnya2 worth buying the bigger size...
and i love my 1st every YSL perfume that i bought fr Harrods during sales...(bought it for 100 tak silap aku..siap dpt lotion ke mandian dia)..and sampai skrg aku remember the smell...sbb aku suke sembur bila aku nak keluar dr YMCA and stay back duduk kat opis University memalam sampai esok pagi tak balik hingga kepala aku jadi weng! sometimes, it can be satisfying to buy something fr oversea..sbb, it reminds you back where were you on that time...and your moment...dan aku ingat sgt2 my feveret coat bought from LA...yg sampai bersusah pyh aku dok order and angkut dr collection port University...bought the coat ofkosle at affordable price..if kat mesia mesti konfem rega ratusan ringgit...but, back in UK...i managed to save my money...

Kat airport and my honey dok shopping Chanel perfume..yg aku dok question..apesal org gile sgt ngan Chanel perfume..sdgkan aku bau..aik?? cam besa2 je...I bought my 1st ever Chanel perfume kat Incheon Airport..dok shopping sampai nak tertinggal ketebang..sbb dok ingat flight kul 11.30...ghupe2nya kul 11.00 pagi..gilokopo??? kalu miss ketebang..sah2 burn ribuan ringgit..langsung projek rugi..huhuhuhuh...Guess what?? aku pening ngan bau perfume Chanel..and till today..aku masih tak give up jugak nak dapatkan feel kenapa org suke ngan bau perfume Chanel ni...smlm dok sembur2 kat baju..mmg long lasting..aku tak nafikan...tapi, sad enough i dont really like the smell..sbb, strong sgt...smlm, sempat gak try perfume lancome..tresor kale purple..mmg i like the smell...tapi, honey like it or not...jadinya, aku tak beli pon...plan to KIV...sbb, kat umah pon da berbotol2 perfume..and mcm always feveret perfume is 5th avenue...Elizabeth Arden..beli murah2 je pon during sales kat UK..tapi, sampai ke sudah da over 5 years..perfume aku tak habis2 lagi..wakakakka..
As usual feveret website is always shopping website...walopon tak beli..just cuci2 mata pon da mencukupi..Most of the time, i was wasting my time looking into the website..spending hours yg kekononnya mcm org nak bershopping, ended up..buying, ntah ape2lakan..thats my weakness..selalu pk lama sgt if wanted to buy something...
Yg menjadikan aku rasa mcm terkilan..i missed buying discounted TODS bag yg i saw at positive side..sebenarnya, it really save my money and it gives me more time to think off..okke nak beli bag ni?? berat ke idak?? the negative side..i always feel mcm, sorry sesgt for not buying the bag in the 1st, yesterday, i went to KLCC just for a peep kat TODS boutique..guess what?? The SA told me..most discounted bags already SOLD OUT and yg tak laku da diantar ke outlet kat somewhere near to Boulevard...She advised me to take train to go there..for surela aku malas nak botherkan..tak kose nyah nak travel sana-sini hy semata2 my dream bag! Could be somehow, one day, if i cant afford to buy it now..kot, ade rezeki we can travel oversea...IA, if God Wills...mana tau i'll be buying one..Usually, with budget yg agak ehem2..surela kene pk 2,3,4,5 kali utk membeli..mana things i have to consider..whether its really worth buying or i will end up like...rasa mcm menyesal plak after membeli...
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My 1st Best handbag.. |
My 3rd Best.. |
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My 4th Best Everyday Bag.. |
Now, been told ..yg my in law family got plan to HK..yg khabarnya akan masuk musim bunga..could be..i can wear my trench coat waktu di sana..dan harap2nya mmg bole tahan sejuklakan...if not...mcm defeat the purpose gak...biar badan rasa sejuk...asalkan bergaya..and i dont think, am fall under that type of person...cause i like simplicity...bukannya Simply Siti ok!
My most memorable moment throughout this year actually, when we had chance to fly to Seoul recently for signing our 1st oversea's project..phewww...after been almost 5 years in this industry...hrmmm, baru skrg dapat mencipta nama dan juga peluang...bila makin dikenali..ofkosle makin byk, mmg, i start to stabilize my own team..yg mana my preference to keep only 'pick up' or 'competent person' in my team sbb aku da tak larat nak sakit jatung lagi jiwa raga slps ni..especially when work with someone yg agak slow...Back to storey visiting was very sweet moment..cause..we managed to play with snow...arghhh...its been so many years tak jumpa snow..we were back fr UK for more than 5 years, maknanya da 5 taunla tak jumpa snow..jakun sgtke jumpa snow??? takle jakun..tapi, rasa feeling2 best gitu..the moment i was in was freaking cold..sampai aku melompat2 to heat my body..and i totally have forgotten yg sbnrnya this year i will be 37?? now, i am starting feeling old..altho people said i look young than my age...but, at this age..i never bother what people say...except feeling their praise as complimentary, yet in my heart..i know that am getting old...and right after notice the feeling...i begin to feel worry that my kids will be growing and they could be apart from me..then, the mix feeling of guilty and satisfaction dtg dan pergi...guilty for not being able to spend most of my time with my kids...satisfaction when i start to absorb with the career that am pursuing right now..eventho would require more time than i suppose to be working...but, i feel it is very satisfying when i start to realize my potential and my strength...sometimes, i feel that i want to give up..give up with time that so envy with me..until i hardly had chance to put my body and mind at rest..and i presume, my honey has been putting lot of effort and energy more than me..for the sake of our Company...actually, i like the work that am doing right now...sbb, i can learn new things..and most importantly sbb the task is under my control..istilahnya, takdela sampai tahap mcm bangang aku tak bole buat kije tu..mcm, aku pening2 lalat waktu buat PhD dulukan..
Okla forget abt kije..kije dan kije..sbnrnya aku da muak citer pasal kije..until i told my honey,..till when we have to be working like hell like this?? we suppose to take break and enjoy our time...cause hidup hanya sementara...kalu tak enjoy with what you earn...then, sape jugak yg untung and joli katak slps ini?? dlm masa yg sama aku memanjatkan doa..semoga tuhan memberikan kami kekuatan, rezeki dan pjg umur sehingga anak2 dewasa...
Back to shopping story...i managed to replenish my GA stock at Lotte duty free, Seoul..mmg mahal bagai nak gile as compared to UK...tapi, sbb no choice punya pasal..i just bought them...i bought 2 compact foundation and 2, funny with women..lipstick sket punya byk ade stock...tapi, gatal je nak membeli...smlm, da teruja ngan liptick Chanel pink colour..but, managed tak beli..haha! skrg Chanel cosmetics pon da mahal..i think the lipstick cost nearly 100 jugakla..abt 90+, i decided to purchase next time..preferentially, if i had chance to fly oversea..yelahkan..rega pon sama..baik beli je during oversea trip..kurang2 ade gakla bought this lipstick when i was in UKka..Koreaka...till now, i love my lipstick fr Chanel and GA which i bought them during my graduation trip..worth buying..sbb, kale dia so suit to me..cume, nasib tak younger kids dok memain ngan my GA lipstick and it gets broken...and aku cantumkan dia balik...n tetap calit kat bibir..sbb, i like the colour very much...pendek kata..almost all cosmetics i bought during that trip aku sukala...sampai ke tahap2 lip glossnya...


Kat airport and my honey dok shopping Chanel perfume..yg aku dok question..apesal org gile sgt ngan Chanel perfume..sdgkan aku bau..aik?? cam besa2 je...I bought my 1st ever Chanel perfume kat Incheon Airport..dok shopping sampai nak tertinggal ketebang..sbb dok ingat flight kul 11.30...ghupe2nya kul 11.00 pagi..gilokopo??? kalu miss ketebang..sah2 burn ribuan ringgit..langsung projek rugi..huhuhuhuh...Guess what?? aku pening ngan bau perfume Chanel..and till today..aku masih tak give up jugak nak dapatkan feel kenapa org suke ngan bau perfume Chanel ni...smlm dok sembur2 kat baju..mmg long lasting..aku tak nafikan...tapi, sad enough i dont really like the smell..sbb, strong sgt...smlm, sempat gak try perfume lancome..tresor kale purple..mmg i like the smell...tapi, honey like it or not...jadinya, aku tak beli pon...plan to KIV...sbb, kat umah pon da berbotol2 perfume..and mcm always feveret perfume is 5th avenue...Elizabeth Arden..beli murah2 je pon during sales kat UK..tapi, sampai ke sudah da over 5 years..perfume aku tak habis2 lagi..wakakakka..
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