Saturday, April 05, 2008

Happy Besday My Darling...

Tanggal 04.04.08, was my darling 38th besday..Aku tak sempat nak beli besday present on time..sbb dok pk berkali2..last2 wat jugak keputusan last2 minute order brg thru online..card pon aku beli last2 minute kat town..pendek kata sume last minute..termasuk baking the cake and cooking laksa for the celebration. It wasnt just lasted with those 2 kind of for today, we still have special dishes-had roasted potatoes and chicken for our dinner..nyum..nyum..everyone was fulled.

Usually, for my children's besday..I was baking chocolate cake for them..but, for this time, I made a carrot cake as per birthday boy's request..It was my first experience with carrot cake..and guess what..the cake was rising, ultimately soft and moist..Gegirl loves my carrot cake very much. So, does my boy is not a big fan of fruit cake though..and as for usual..myself enjoy very much with sweetie cake..Apparently, only me and gegirl keep eating the cake until only 3 slices of them are left...

And the consequences are..........I can feel my tummy bulging like 5mths pregnant women..what dreading me most, after weighing myself on the scale..My GOD! I was 2kgs overweighted already...It is really alarming...What am going to do???? Eating apples for the whole course for 2 weeks to shed the weight off? Can I restrain from overindulging myself with food again???? Thats really a big question to answer, really especially for me-THE FOOD LOVER! My jeans all are thigh and calf are getting face looks round and chubby...its really ugly! How can writting thesis, can turn myself to an awful women???

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